Artists Alley, Table D-15, you'll be checked for weapons at the door ...

It's the Emerald City Comicon this weekend, and Your Humble Editor has been busy stitching up the moth-eaten holes and washing out the bloodstains on his best Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes for his first event appearance in many a moon.

Because of this, there won't be a full Gone&Forgotten this week, so in the interim I bring you this exceptionally accurate two-page depiction of the life of a comic artist, from Marvel's classic inside-baseball parody mag Not Brand Echh...


...Yikes. Funny, but also dispiriting as heck.

The image in panel two splashes about in the mud of my memories, as if it's a parody of some other artist's iconic self-portrait--in fact, I know it is, I can remember the artist in the original is holding a pipe to his mouth with that right hand--but I'm damned if I can place it.

I was under the impression that it was a parody of the Norman Rockwell "Looking for a few good artists" ad for the Famous Artists School that was popular on the backs of comics at the time ...
BUt, looking at it, no it's probably not...
Is this Will Eisner? Because now I'd swear the image I'm thinking of is Eisner's work. If it's not a self-portrait, then perhaps a character in one of his Spirit stories...