It also does something unfortunate to her skeletal structure and muscle tone.
Not to be confused with Katnip Evergreen, the star of my funny animal adaptation of The Hunger Games (PS now I am rich).

The Golden Age of comics’ most memorable characters were almost uniformly superheroic in nature, but the funny animal business shoveled a few shekels into publishers’ pockets as well. The Disney, Warner Bros. and MGM cartoon animals enjoyed a great deal of success in comic book extrapolations of their on-screen adventures, Uncle Wiggily managed to find an expansive audience in the all-in-color crowd, and Walt Kelly was turning around some of the best work on the stands with his funny animal work, Pogo and otherwise.

This one's a little too easy.
Not one of the stand-outs of the Golden Age’s animal antics was Pussy Katnip, a Fox Comics character who bounced around almost a dozen titles without ever managing to land in one for more than a handful of issues, much less grabbing one of her own. Part of the problem may have been the unappealing look of the character – sporting a face like a sea of disconnected features adrift on a baboon’s ass under a cheap wig, Pussy herself was allegedly the prettiest-looking member of her rough cast. Which might be right, pretty much every figure in the series looked like the victim of constant facial palsies.

Pussy Katnip was a former hat check girl turned chanteuse, and also what I’m sure some really skeevy guy likes to call his imported sportscar. Performing at the Kit Kat Club gave Pussy plenty of opportunity to run into rough customers, which was her reason enough to quaff a slug of “Katnip Fizz”, a secret family concoction which granted her tremendous ferocity, clairvoyance, heightened intelligence, and probably also a series of micro-strokes which would explain that face of hers.

Ms.Katnip has a rough charm but no grace, as they say, but surely this is a character with a lot of potential – or at the very least, a character with a lot of opportunities to make vulgar puns. With the demand increasing for more female leads in comics, there’s no reason something couldn’t be done with a glamorous singing cat who carries around a super-power potion for sudden emergencies, right? As long as they get someone who can draw faces, is all.

She then gave them 999,998 more black eyes.


neofishboy said…
"The Secret Origin of Omaha the Cat Dancer."
neofishboy said…
"Um, Fishy ... it appears that you've typed the word "meow-maw" in the reply box. It's all right. Easy enough to delete. Nobody needs to see that. That's one of the benefits of this being a multi-step process so you don't accidentally ..."

"Okay, so I see you've filled in the CAPTCHA box. No harm done. Just head on up to that little X and close out the tab. There's nothing that says you HAVE to press the 'publish' ... "
