Look out Green Arrow, it's The Guff! |
"Because I had LENTILS!" |
"You wonder why I'm called the Wind," he asks, although neither archer gave him any indication they'd ever spent an iota of thought on the matter, "Perhaps it's because I come and go like the wind! Or maybe it's because I can COMMAND WINDS to BLOW!"
Stranger still is that the dime store crime - in fact, every crime with The Wind attempts to undertake - is left unfinished, despite the relative helplessness of Green Arrow and Speedy.
What shitty crimefighters. |
Now, at that stage in the story, if I were Green Arrow, I might just be like "Okay pal, since you're rich and unbalanced, I'll let you keep the arrows if you'll make a donation to the charity of my choosing, like something that teaches archery to inner city kids." But instead what happens is Green Arrow and Speedy are invited in to see A.Wynd's collection of their arrows and Green Arrow goes "QUICK SPEEDY STEAL BACK ALL OUR ARROWS" and so the Wind tries to kill them with what he calls a "suction machine." We should all be so lucky.
In the end, Green Arrow captures the Wind, much to Speedy's confusion as he says "You know, Wynd only attempted crimes! He didn't commit any," having forgotten how attempted murder is a crime. Perhaps he was just either feeling generous or that his life had no value. Aw, poor Speedy. It's thoughts like that which lead to substance abuse.