"Also, picnics are fun, but don't Hannibal your guests by turning them into sandwiches."
Eighties' artifacts Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew are getting a surprising amount of attention in the pages of DC Comics lately, appearing in both of the high-profile Multiversity and Convergence events. Certainly, Guardians of the Galaxy becoming a surprise box-office hit and Rocket Raccoon being something of the breakout star of the film - behind Groot, of course, because comics fans genuinely love inarticulate, slow-witted giants. I'm sure there's a metaphor in there, if only to describe this blog's own recent surge in popularity, but MOVING ON...

Whatever the case, it's always entertaining to remember that the Zoo Crew's resident tank, PIG-IRON, has a publishing history which precedes his fellow super-funny-animals by several decades. Starting his career as the ominously named Peter Porkchops (Personally, I'd be uncomfortable to find myself named after my most delicious parts, but Peter takes it in stride), the future Pig Iron starred in his own title AND hosted a number of in-house PSAs running inside DC Comics. In addition to the probably unnecessary guide on how to enjoy one's leisure time during comfortable, inviting weather (go outside, do things, thanks Peter!), he also chimed in on Depression ...

"You're on your fucking own, Wolfie."

...being a vehicle for the fickle will of brutal chaos ...

By the end of the day, everybody's butts were radiating red stars.

And, of course, the most ominous description of democracy I've ever heard, "We can keep each other in line - that's REAL democracy!"

In addition to being a comic comedy star and a super-hero, I'm pleased to note that while Peter may be a dictator, at least he's a benevolent dictator.


David said…
I don't know about other people jumping on the G&F bandwagon, but I was directed here by This American Life's recent rebroadcast of the episode featuring you.